Freelance - A Cheaper Self-Employment Option

Many expats who come to Spain work for themselves for a variety of reasons - entrepeneurial spirit, inability to find work, language barrier etc. The truth is however, that it can be a very expensive business between set-up costs, accountants fees, social security payments... particularly in the few couple of years when you are setting up.

It takes time to build up a client database, during which your level of income is likely to be relatively low. If you are registered as autonomo (self-employed) you will be liable for social security payments (approximately €235 minimum) per month, plus you will have to submit quarterly and yearly tax returns whether you are earning or not.

An alternative to autonomo is to register as a Freelance with a company such as As a freelancer, you only pay for the days that you actually work e.g. if you are web designer and have a project that lasts two weeks, you only pay tax and social security for those two weeks. In addition, Freelance takes care of all the administrative headaches for you saving you hours of visits to the Seguridad Social and will process your tax returns for you.

While their website is in Spanish, they do speak English so if you have any specific questions you can email them at

It could save you a lot of time and money!

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