You Know You´ve Lived In Spain When..

I came across a network on Facebook today which called ´You know you´ve lived in Spain when...´

They have a long list of things which made me chuckle. Some of my favourites include:

1) You think adding lemonade, fanta or even coke to red wine is perfectly acceptable. Especially at lunch time.

2) You can't get over how early bars & clubs shut back home - surely they're shutting just as you should be going out?

3) You aren't just surprised that the plumber/decorator has turned up on time, you're surprised he turned up at all.

4) You think it's fine to comment on everyone's appearance.

5) Not giving every new acquaintance dos besos seems so rude.

6) You're shocked by people getting their legs out at the first hint of sun - surely they should wait until at least late June?

7) You're amazed when TV ad breaks last less than half an hour, especially right before the end of films.

8) You forget to say please when asking for things - you implied it in your tone of voice, right?

9) You eat lunch after 2pm & would never even think of having your evening meal before 9.

10) You know that after 2pm there's no point in going shopping, you might as well just have a siesta until 5 when the shops re-open.

11) The fact that all the male (or female) members of a family have the same first name doesn't surprise you.

12) You don't see anything wrong with having a couple of beers in the morning if you feel like it.

13) Floors in bars are an ideal dumping ground for your colillas, servilletas etc. Why use a bin?!

14) You see clapping as an art form, not just a way to express approval.

It currently has about 22,000 members so is well worth joining - you never know who you might meet!

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