Change Your Mortgage - No Questions Asked is offering the chance to change your mortgage with no questions asked - no need to supply payslips, justify your income or provide 2 years tax declarations.

1. Amount to ´subrogar´ (when they take on your current mortgage without having to go through the registration process at the notary) is less than €300,000 and is no more than 80% of the valuation amount.

2. You have had your current mortgage loan for at least two years

3. Mortgage will be for no more than 30 years

4. You can show proof that you have kept up to date with all your mortage payments

5. The mortgage is on your principal property

6. No bad credit history

If the mortgage amount is less than €240,000 and you fulfill the criteria above you do not even need a valuation as long as you can provide a copy of the valuation that was carried out by your current bank.

It is important to check the fine print and the conditions of the mortages - ask an indpendent mortgage broker (who does not charge you a fee!) to explain them to you.

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