Looking for people who have had difficulties moving abroad

Taken from www.nativespain.com


I work as a documentary producer for an independent production company based in the UK. We are currently making a series for Discovery - and I need your help!

We are looking for stories about people (Brits, Australians - anyone English-speaking) who have moved to Spain for a new dream life abroad eg with a new job, a new relationship, or setting up a business), but events did not go quite as planned, and in fact turned dramatically, nightmarishly wrong. The scenarios can be about anything really – human rights issues, extraditions, a miscarriage of justice, being accused and arrested for something they didn't do, being conned, robbed, kidnapped etc., or even surviving a health scare or a natural disaster. Essentially, we are looking for ‘cautionary tales’ and ‘survivors’ stories.’ Stories don’t need to be recent – and the documentaries are 1 hour in length each and involve a talking-head interview and dramatic re-enactments.

If there is any way you can help me - then I would be so grateful if you would let me know - my e-mail is nhuggett@cineflix.com

Thank you very much,


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