Unclaimed Tax Rebates

One of the things that is easy to forget when you move abroad is claiming a tax rebate! With one hundred and one things to do you may just about remember to tell the tax man that you have actually left the country.

Refundsdirect.com claim that up to one in three people are due a tax rebate with millions in unclaimed rebates and an average of 800 pounds per person. By taking a short survey on their site, they can give you a ball park figure of what you may be due and state that they will process all of the paperwork for you.

While they are not cheap - fees start at 18% - they work on a no win no fee basis, so if they do not manage to get any tax refunded, you do not have to pay for their services. Also, even after deducting their fee, if it is true the average rebate is 800 pounds, this means you will have a tidy little sum you did not have before.

Refunds Direct, Click here!

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